Importance of college education essay

For a successful career, every student needs knowledge, confidence, academic and technical skills, career opportunities and social skills. To get these benefits college education is important. The importance of college education can be determined by the role it plays in our life. But before that, it’s really important that students know it very well that why they are joining a college, what will be the end results?

Education is most important thing in our life. And we spend maximum time in getting well educated in academic and technical degrees. I think a college education is a way to understand the things that we learned from 1st class to 12th in schools. School education goals can be to understand basic things that we have to use in life. And the college education goals can be how to sustain and grow in life.

More Job opportunities for college graduates

There are private and government jobs in which required a bachelor degree. There are many things you can do after graduation such as you can apply for a job basis on your bachelor degree, you can participate in HAS/IAS competitive exams. You get admission in post-graduation programs. Well, the degree is not enough in private sector but it is required as an eligibility criterion in many govt. and private jobs. So, it’s not a good idea to ignore college education.

Improvement in Confidence and awareness

The college education increases the confidence level in students. They get freedom from the daily disciplined environment of the school. Discipline is very important in school life for students that help them to complete the school education with good marks. But in college, the rules are not as strict as they found in the school such as wearing the same colored or 1-2 dress for years. But in many colleges, there is no specific dress code for students. No overload of school bag and books. No lunch box. That was not bad but college makes changes in student’s attitude, style, thinking, observation and they start getting maturity.

Sense of Responsibility in College

The sense of duty or responsibility is the way of human development. When someone responsible for their own works and duty it will help a nation to build a social and economic development environment. And it starts with a college education. In which they find that professors are not that much worry like school teachers. They don’t force you to study, take a lecture, and do that or this. They just teach you the lessons, after that it’s your duty to learn it or not. They don’t care.

How to stay happy and motivated at work

This is a professional practice to stay happy at work. A very gratifying and amazing article for people suffering from unhappiness at work and want some motivation to move forward.

In this I am sharing, what I learned so far from my workplace working experiences. I am very much confident that this article will help you in a great way. I follow same rules when I feel demotivated and unhappy at work.

Focus on Today: –

The Past is gone, whatever happened we can’t control. Not matter it’s positive or negative. Future is yet to come. No one knows what will happen in the future. We have only today. Today is the best day, to make future great and to make past memorable. Whatever we are doing today and right now, it will be passed very soon. So, to stay happy and motivated at work, you have to think, what you can do today that will help you to achieve your goals. This is the best thing you can do to stay motivated at work and allow the happiness to shine on your work and face.

A writer can focus today to write the points he/she is thinking to write. This is the work they have to do to complete the eBook writing goals. If he/she is don’t do that then who will be going to complete goals. They have to complete because he/she want to sell eBooks and they want to be a writer, they want to be known for the beliefs and knowledge.

If they are negative about who will buy, it’s very tough to write a book, and so then it’s going to happen the same. Today, they have to focus on writing the book and next chapter. Then when it is complete, they can think about selling.

A blogger can focus today on writing next article draft. If any blogger wants to increase blog traffic and readership then their focus today should be on writing the blog. Instead of thinking about competition and other things.

The focus of social media marketer. Similarly, a social media marketing focus can be to post new content on Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc. and that will generate new business leads and traffic to their company website. It’s because their goals are to get new leads and profit for their own company or others. If they are thinking, it’s tough; salary is low, not many people liking their post. It means they are not focusing on the main thing. The main thing here for them to put heart and brain on the content they are sharing with their targeted audience.

Uses of Adobe Photoshop in Our Daily Life

There are photo editing, typographical, graphical, creative and professional uses of Adobe Photoshop in our daily life. Such as product design, website mockup designs, business card design, movie poster designs, various types of digital contents, branding and marketing material designs etc. are common uses of Adobe Photoshop in our daily life.

There are various powerful advantages of learning Adobe Photoshop for students and professional. And Adobe Photoshop is our 5th important and easiest skills in the list of 11 most important Computer Skills to learn for career development. (Learn later)

Uses of Photoshop in Photo & Image Editing works

You can use Adobe Photoshop to retouch your digital and scanned photographs. In retouch, you can improve the brightness and color tone of the photo into a new style. In retouch, you can also remove unwanted dots using healing brush tool, blur tool, Hue/Saturation, photo filter, color lookup and various other image menu tools in Adobe Photoshop that help to retouch, sharpen and enhance photos to the highest quality.

You can remove and change the background of the photos. You can use eraser, magic eraser tool to remove the background. You can save without background images in .png format. You can also add and remove the watermark in images.

You can give a new life to old photos by using photo restoration techniques in Adobe Photoshop. You can use clone stamp tool, color combination, background removal, healing brush tool, blur tool and various other methods. In photo restoration you can restore photos from various conditions such as changing the colors of clothes in photos, removing water dots; you can clean and make photos fresh and attractive.

Importance of Festivals in our Life

Festivals are like glue in our life. That keeps us attached to relationships in society. When we are together as a family, friends, and society it creates a sense of unity. Unity is the most powerful weapon to fight with any obstacle in life.

When the family is connected on festivals it’s most precious and joyful time. That’s why I think festivals are important in our life.

God also feel happiest when their kids are together and happy (Results of God’s creativity). I mean humans are the creativity of God. And when we all are together, celebrating festivals with each other no matter about the cast, color, poor or rich then that’s the results God is looking for.

We all work and live separately, we don’t know each other, but on festivals, you pray and wish everyone on social media and offline “Happy Diwali, “Happy Christmas”, “Happy New year”. It’s because we all are the creativity of God and we want great things.

And a person who believes in God also believes in unity, festivals, and importance of relationships in life.
Following are the reasons, why festivals are important in our life:

Festivals Spread Brotherhood and faith

Festivals spread brotherhood and faith in between all the humans. People on festivals are connected with God and lessons. Connection with God creates a positive attitude in their behavior towards other people.

And positive behaviors towards everyone no matter about cast, religion, colors and occupation and sense of respect for everyone it spreads brotherhood, love, and faith in the society.

That’s why festivals are important to celebrate. It’s because festivals are the oxygen of society and the life of society, brotherhood and faith are dependent on how much we care about each other.

When everyone follows his/her duty and care about the other people and the whole part of this nature then the social development begins.

Festivals speed up the economic development. People buy more goods and services during festivals. It’s because they get a discount on luxury items and various attractive schemes on products and services from sellers.

Government and private employees get special bonus and holidays to celebrate festivals with family.

Everyone arrange and spend money for the festivals. That increase banking and cash transactions. More items sold mean more tax collection for the government. More people get money and it increases more investment later.

You can explain festivals importance in many points because of its wider reach around the world. All religion has their own method and festivals. And all are respectable.

Importance of Motivation in our daily life

Motivation is important for everyone. Motivation is important to live. We can’t live our daily life happily without motivation. Motivation is the presence of purpose and desire to achieve daily life, career, and business goals. Just an example, Motivation helps us to get up early and become productive.

When we are inspired, excited, getting more than expected results from something we get motivated. Such as its inspiring when you read stories and beliefs of successful people. It’s inspiring when you see someone achieving something great and feeling happy. That’s the way we feel motivated and it helps us to achieve our own goals.

There are thousands of motivations around us. Such as motivation from books, motivation from quotes, motivation from the seminar, motivation from water, motivation from trees, motivation from kids, motivation from parents, motivation from teachers etc. But we can’t identify all of them.

It’s because we are not connected with the sense of motivation. The sense of motivation is the greatest thing that comes to our heart and mind equally many times in a day. But most of us are failed to get it. The sense of motivation is the key to various achievements in our life.

When I lose the sense of motivation and the sense to prove something as a basketball player, it’s time for me to move away from the game. Michael Jordan

What is a sense of Motivation?

The sense of motivation is an impression and cognition that can happen accidentally or any time of the day and night. We get the highest motivation when our sense of purpose connects with our sense of motivation. For example, when you see motivational videos your sense of motivation gets activated. And it starts connecting with sense of purpose. That’s why we watch motivational videos and people recommend watching the motivational stories and speech. Motivation helps to achieve goals and dreams in life, career and in business.

How can artificial intelligence benefit humans?

Artificial intelligence can help humans to copy their brain, behaviors personality into the machine so that when you’re not present in place of problems and opportunities machine can play your role.

In simple words artificial intelligence or machine learning or deep learning are just terms that we can use to describe the change and innovation in the Information technology.

In this article I, just want to share with how artificial intelligence can benefit humans in daily life. You can say its technical philosophy or imagination or future. Whatever it is, I just want to share what I feel and think about artificial intelligence and human connection.

So let’s first understand what is artificial intelligence?

According to the it is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

It means when you combine artificial intelligence, machine learning with robots, you will be able to create your (human) clone and not only one but thousands. So, in this article I, am covering how information technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning are trying to create your clone so that if don’t have time to read this article, your clone can read it and when you’re driving, you can listen, what is I was trying to say.

In this article I, am talking to you in the new world. In that world in which you don’t need to type or need to search on Google, in the world where you don’t scroll your Facebook timeline to know what your friends are doing. In that world in which you no longer fight for car parking and in the world where every machine has great communication skills and strong vocabulary almost in all kind of worldwide languages. The question is do you want to go there?

If you choose no, then sorry, because you’re already in that world. Where humans communicate only with machines and program, work less and machines are everything.

10 Myths of Self-Employment You Need to Know Before It’s Too Late

If you respond by remarking that you’re “self-employed,” prepare for a lively conversation to ensue — fraught with misunderstanding, sympathy, curiosity, condescension, respect, confusion and intrigue, all wrapped up in a layer of polite small talk.

If you’re on the other end of the conversation, however — merely curious about self-employment — there are a few things you should know. Because self-employment, popular as it is, is still masked by a veil of misunderstanding and outright myths.

Myth 1: You get to do what you love!
There’s a popular career advice that says, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” That’s true, not really, kind of, but not quite, sort of.

The fact is, we all have to do some work that is unpleasant. Work doesn’t have to be painful, laborious or dreadful, but neither is work a constant stream of rapturous joy. Like everything in life, life has its ups, downs and in-betweens. Self-employed people may be living out their passion, but it’s also a job. Jobs have demands, unpleasant episodes and sometimes long hours.

Myth 2: It’s great to be your own boss!
Maybe it’s not so great to be your own boss. You may have a tendency to be either a hard-driving task master or a laissez-faire manager. Whatever the case, you may find yourself really frustrated at your boss — yourself.

Myth 3: You have so much freedom!
“Freedom” in the context of self-employment is difficult to define. On the one hand, you may be free from the pedantic demands of micromanaging bosses and restrictive vacation policies. You may be thrilled to be able to pick your kids up from school or make it to their soccer games.

How I Started My Freelance Career

College: Before I went to college, my ideas about my significant ranged from everything from fine art to architecture. Once I arrived at Smith, I was too insecure about my design abilities to take the fine art classes. I let my insecurity dictate an opportunity for me; perhaps I would be farther along in my career if I didn’t make this decision. Who knows? I’m not sure if I regret the decision, but I regret the reason for the decision. I ended up majoring Cultural Anthropology and Art History, with a focus on documentary film.

2008 + Graduation: I graduated a semester early, December 2008. The economy had tanked, and Anthropology wasn’t a job of “necessity.” I decided to get my alternative certification in teaching. There were always jobs for teachers. I applied to NYCTF, Chicago Teaching Fellows, Teach for America, and New Orleans Teaching Fellows. Chicago was the first one I heard back from, and I was glad to come back home to the Midwest.

Teaching: For the next three and half years, I was a special education teacher at a Chicago Public High School. I earned my master’s degree in Special Education, and I coached the high school volleyball team. I enjoyed teaching, helping students empower themselves, and I became very aware of different learning styles, which is a very useful skill to have when trying to explain to people how to use their website better.

After my third year, I felt restless – emotionally exhausted and professionally unfulfilled – I started learning how to design and code. I started dating Adam around this time, and a lot of our conversations involved the web and design. I could probably count the times on one hand that he has helped me do something in case you are wondering.

The Garden Apt: Around this time of restlessness, I started The Garden Apt. I had more fun building the blog than I did writing it. I decided to apply for entry level jobs in Advertising or Marketing so that I could get more skills related to this field. This job hunt was challenging and took about eight months. Companies aren’t keen on self-taught career switchers.

Account Executive: Finally got a job as an Account Executive, which was great. The firm was small, which allowed me to learn a little bit of everything from copy-editing to creative direction. The client management portion was the most valuable. However, I was working extremely long hours on direct mail. I decided that I had learned as much as I could from this experience and would try to work jobs to focus more on web design and development, or at least jobs that were more 9-5. During this period, in my free time (which was little), I took a few classes, but and building sites as small projects were my biggest sources of learning.

Is Self-Employment Right for You?

Why Self-Employment?

The following questions will help provide some direction:
When compared to traditional employees, entrepreneurs are not necessarily happier, less bored or worried, or even more satisfied with their daily tasks. No one is there to give you assignments, provide a constant flow of work, or sign a weekly paycheck. Unless you can identify and hold on to what motivates you most, you will not be likely to succeed.

Personal Qualifications

Another way to determine whether or not self-employment is for you is to consider your own qualifications and preferences. While many people think they can turn a particular skill, hobby, or talent into a successful business, the reality is that small-business ownership requires particular business and other skills that are often overlooked. If there is ever a time to be honest with yourself, this is it.

The following questions can help you conduct an honest self-assessment:

  • What are your qualifications for owning a business?
  • Do you have sales and marketing experience?
  • Do you have operational, administrative, and general management experience?
  • How experienced are you with basic business financial management practices?
  • What education, training, or experience do you have to indicate that you will be capable of producing desired results?
  • If you do not plan to lead specific parts of the business, who will manage them, and how much will you need to pay them?

Costs of Being Self-Employed

While some entrepreneurs earn a higher net income than traditional employees performing the same type of work, the cost of running a business often reduces your income considerably. It is wise to first determine your personal financial needs. What are your living expenses? How will you cover health care costs? Next, determine start-up and ongoing expenses. What will you be required to pay in additional taxes?

It is critical to remember that in addition to providing services or products, you will also need to devote time and money to the tasks necessary to operate the business, including:

  • Marketing and selling.
  • Tracking earnings and expenses.
  • Paying local, state, and federal taxes.
  • Communicating and contracting with customers and vendors.
  • Handling employee-related matters, such as payroll and benefits.
  • Complying with local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and guidelines associated with the industry.

Which Is More Secure – The 9-5 Job Or Self-Employment?

So I guess part of me does feel somewhat insecure about having a blogger for a husband. I do think about what it will be like when we get old and have no 401k or any other income to fall on, I think about the $2500 we have to shell out of our pocket before the health insurance kicks in if any of us gets sick. I think about the economy and how it is going to affect our small business.
Is The 9-5 Job Really That Secure?

I think it is an artificial faith to think that having a 9 to 5 job makes your finances more secure. With the economic worries happening right now, you may worry about whether your company will lay you off in order to save money. If you get a 401(k) or other retirement plan, how secure is it really? There are quite a few people out there who have lost a lot of value in their retirement nest eggs because of the stock market fluctuations. If you need to make more money, what do you do? Beg your boss? Cross your fingers? Kiss the right butt?

When you work for a large company, your financial security is only as secure as that company. And, most likely, that company is not controlled by you. It is controlled by management and is dependent on whether they make the right decisions. And when it becomes necessary to cut expenses, for THEM to make the decisions necessary to see through tough times, who do you think is most susceptible to getting the axe? You are, of course.

On the contrary, when I need to make more money, I can create a new product, run a sale, get inventive. In other words, I can make it happen, on demand. And it is based on one person – me. I have no boss to beg.

What About Retirement?
It’s true. Being a professional blogger doesn’t provide a retirement plan. But, I don’t care. Because I realize that there is nothing secure about any retirement plan I might get from a company.

Besides, would retirement be a reason to get a 9 to 5 job? Am I supposed to suffer my way through that slavery for most of my life so that I can sit there and be lazy on a retirement pension when I become old?

No, I can create my own retirement plan – one that I know will be there when I’m older because I have control over everything involved.